内容分发网络/CDN > 博客

Content delivery networks are evolving, moving toward decentralized and edge computing models, 内容所有者需要了解内容交付趋势和策略,这些趋势和策略将帮助他们将内容从源头传递到最后一英里. Here you’ll find up-to-the-minute reports on CDN news and trends, as well as analysis of where the CDN market is headed.

Why Streamers Need Rural Sports Fans — and Why Quality is Key for Keeping Them Around

史蒂夫Miller-Jones, 副总统, 产品策略, Netskrt系统, discusses why streamers need rural sports fans, the reasons quality is key for reducing churn, 以及流媒体平台和互联网服务提供商如何解决与向偏远地区直播体育赛事相关的缓冲问题.

Residential Proxies for Streaming Platforms and the Role of IP Address Intelligence

欧洲的流媒体行业将在未来几年蓬勃发展,预计增长率将达到20%.从2022年到2027年增长36%, 根据Technavio的数据,这突显了该行业持续快速扩张的趋势. While growth is projected to be strong, profits and ad revenue could face a hurdle, 流媒体行业可能面临着最大的威胁之一:住宅代理.

The Quest for Greater Efficiency in Video Processing

Viewer demand for high-quality 4K video content has skyrocketed, and there is an expectation that 8K video will also surge in the coming years. 然而, with increased resolution comes much larger file sizes, 由于需要增加存储和处理能力,媒体提供商面临哪些挑战. Naturally, media companies are seeking ways to process video more efficiently. MainConcept的Frank Schönberger探讨了内容提供商和视频服务如何利用视频压缩和人工智能技术的发展来提高广播工作流程的每个阶段的效率, from the point of capture to delivery to the end user.


在竞争激烈的流媒体领域,争夺观众留存率的战斗继续加剧. Interra Systems的Anupama Anantharaman强调了端到端质量保证的关键作用, 介质质量监控, 而深入的视频分析在满足当今视频消费者不断升级的需求方面发挥着作用,为什么这些过程的作用变得比以往任何时候都更加重要.

Considerations for Providers Shifting from QAM to IP Video Delivery Networks

传统的, controlled broadcast environments are being replaced by dynamic, complex ecosystems where multiple applications and services must coexist harmoniously. The challenge is to maintain the quality of a provider's main service, like linear TV with dynamically inserted ads, 同时适应第三方应用程序的各种需求和潜在干扰. Yoann Hinard of Witbe discusses the challenges faced throughout this process, 包括远程监控, 动态AD插入, 以及跨设备的QC测试.

Instant Replay: 流媒体 Connect November 2023

流媒体 presented its 12th Connect virtual conference November 13 - 16, with media industry cartographer Evan Shapiro as host and MC. Shapiro kicked off the event with a dynamic keynote, 深入挖掘第三季度财报电话会议数据,让新闻顾问们承担责任,并对该行业给出一个不加粉饰的看法. Other highlights included The Future of Streaming with Shobana Radhakrishnan, Senior Director of Engineering at Google TV, and several panels covering topics such as Cloud Workflows for Streaming and CTV, 大规模优化直播流, How Codec Patent Pools Will Impact Streaming in 2024, Making 在线直播 and VOD 更多的 Accessible, 直播技术趋势, 和更多的.

Navigating the New Media Revenue Frontier: Unifying Strategies for Success

这篇文章由Lindsay Van Kirk的op重点介绍了收入管理技术的最新发展, 以及云原生和模块化方法如何使媒体品牌能够统一其现有系统并提供更快的投资回报率. 柯克为媒体专业人士在这一动态环境中导航提供了实用的见解和建议.

The Future of CDN Technology: Unlocking the Next Frontier in Video Streaming

The video streaming market is booming, and as video streaming consumption continues to soar, content delivery network (CDN) technology needs to evolve rapidly to keep up. Broadpeak的Damien Sterkers讨论了当前流媒体面临的挑战以及应对这些挑战的措施.

Netflix’s System Architecture Represents A Rare Competitive Edge

Netflix是唯一一家建立内容交付网络基础设施的大型流媒体公司. 过去10年,Netflix在一个名为“开放连接”(Open Connect)的秘密项目上投资了大约10亿美元,该项目被证明为该公司的资产负债表提供了长期战略价值. 

Instant Replay: 流媒体 Connect 2023

ICYMI--流媒体 presented its 11th Connect virtual conference August 22-24, 由埃文·夏皮罗主持, a cracking keynote from NBCUniversal VP Quincy Olatunde, 以及12场动态小组讨论,由行业知名人士分享他们的专业知识,主题涵盖OTT、FAST、生成式人工智能、新兴编解码器、边缘传输、大规模流媒体等. The full archived conference is available right here!

Top Three Reasons Why Quality Monitoring is Critical for Cloud-Native OTT Streaming

随着云迁移的急剧增加以及观众越来越不愿意容忍视频流质量问题, Telestream的Joel Daly概述了质量监控对云原生OTT流媒体至关重要的三个原因.

Netflix and the Challenges of 在线直播

Agora的Brad Altfest讨论了Netflix进军体育直播的举措,以及他们和其他老牌平台在管理大型直播活动方面面临的挑战.

构建vs. Buy Dilemma: Why Media Companies Are Changing Their Approach

Eric Black of Edgio discusses the "build vs. 媒体公司推出新的流媒体平台的技术困境,以及为什么小公司需要与值得信赖的合作伙伴建立良好的关系,以承担完整的端到端解决方案的系统集成商角色.

Streamers Don’t Care 关于 Password Sharing - It All Comes Down to Pricing

As streaming services continue to revolutionize entertainment, 了解消费者对这些平台最看重的是什么,以及这对行业的未来意味着什么,这一点至关重要. Although Netflix's password crackdown has dominated recent headlines, 数据分析公司Premise强调,研究显示,观众的负担能力是一个更为紧迫的问题.


Interra Systems的Anupama Anantharaman讨论了缺乏充分实施根本原因分析的原因, the challenges this poses for QC and monitoring solution providers, how these challenges can be met with multipoint monitoring, and the consequences streaming providers face when they don't deliver high-quality content.


DIRECTV的Rose McGovern分享了她对从线性到CTV的快速转变的见解,以及为什么广告商必须优先考虑进步而不是完美的策略.

The Role AI Can Play in CTV Measurement

Nubyra Ahmed of Cint highlights the benefits of using AI in CTV, 比如减少欺诈, 更好的受众定位, 增强的AD技术, 和更多的.

3 Lessons Learned From Netflix on the Future of Video Storage

Storj的Aaron Zitzer评估了Netflix如何克服云视频存储的挑战,以及今天的视频流平台如何利用现有技术复制这些知识.

Next Up for Netflix: Re-imagining Streaming Through Ad & 内容模型

Ashwin Navin of Samba TV discusses the ways that Netflix, 尽管最近出现了一些问题, 是否有遗产和杠杆来继续重塑分销模式,找到新的方法来扩展其数十亿美元内容投资的价值.

Why TV Must Offer Mobile Services

年轻观众正在以根植于社交媒体和移动消费的方式消费电视节目. Henning Wenzel writes that to remain competitive, streaming providers must use well-integrated mobile services.